Men need support during Menopause too!

If I had no clue what was going on how on earth were the men in my life supposed to?

We must provide support to both men and women to foster healthy relationships, promote emotional well-being, and facilitate understanding and empathy.

Educating men about Menopause and raising awareness can result in more informed and supportive allies (and boy do we need them when the s**t is going down!).

Encouraging men to prioritise their well-being, seek support when needed, and engage in self-care activities is essential for their overall health and resilience. By acknowledging and addressing the needs of men who are involved in this transitional phase, we can navigate menopause with greater resilience and mutual support.

Partner Support: Menopause can not only affect the individual experiencing it but also the males around them. Men may find it challenging to understand the physical and emotional changes their partner is going through during menopause – my other half thought I was a crazy lady for a while! Providing support for men can help them navigate these changes and maintain empathy, resulting in a stronger relationship.

Emotional Support: Men may experience their emotional responses to their partner’s menopausal symptoms, such as frustration, confusion, or concern. They may also struggle with feelings of inadequacy or uncertainty about how to provide support. Access to resources and support networks can help men cope with these emotions and develop healthier ways of responding.

Education and Awareness: We believe the children are our future (you know the song!) but what are we teaching in schools?! My boys now know exactly what Menopause is and what happens! I think the lack of Education means both Men and Women don’t fully understand what menopause entails or how it can impact a woman’s physical and emotional well-being. Educating them and raising awareness about menopause can help them become more informed and supportive allies to their partners during this time.

Communication Skills: Menopause can sometimes strain communication within relationships both at work and home, Colleagues, Managers or Partners may struggle to express their needs and concerns effectively (including understanding what the hell you mean when the brain fog has kicked in!). Support for men can include guidance on improving communication skills, fostering empathy, and maintaining open and honest dialogue with their partners.

Self-Care: Men need downtime too! Supporting a partner through menopause can be emotionally taxing, and men may neglect their own self-care needs in the process. Encouraging men to prioritise their well-being, seek support when needed, and engage in self-care activities is essential for their overall health and resilience.

Navigating Relationship Changes: I read a shocking figure about the number of breakups that happen during Menopause and now I know more I can see why! Menopause can bring about changes in intimacy, sex drive, and relationship dynamics. Men may benefit from support in navigating these changes, understanding that they are natural aspects of the menopausal transition, and finding ways to reignite connection with their partner.

Providing support for men during menopause is crucial for fostering healthy relationships, promoting emotional well-being, and facilitating understanding and empathy. Through Education and Training, it is time to acknowledge the needs of both Men and Women to support both in navigating menopause with greater resilience and mutual support!

Menopause Education and Training Available for Businesses keen to reset the balance!

Please contact me for further details!

Too young for Menopause?

In the United Kingdom, 30,000 reports of menstrual irregularities and postmenopausal bleeding were sent to the Yellow Card adverse events reporting site for the Covid 19 research before September 2021.

Women reported menstrual changes after being vaccinated against COVID-19 returned to their regular cycle within 2 months — though in some cases, reported changes were longer lasting – this was 100% the case for me!

Menopause – we know this stage of life is coming, but with an average age of 51, I was not expecting it to happen to me at 42!

And whether it was a directly impacted by the booster or it was coming anyway, the one thing I knew was I was clueless about what exactly Menopause was!

Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels and it usually affects women between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen earlier. There are reasons such as surgery, cancer treatments and genetic reasons that may trigger early Menopause.

But with recent world events there is now another reason – the Covid Booster!

The Covid Vaccine

People have reported various menstrual irregularities (and postmenopausal changes) after receiving their COVID-19 vaccines. Some of these reports are anecdotal, but others are backed up by research – my own experience tells a very similar story!

After my 3rd booster my periods stopped, but did return a few months later, after my 4th booster my periods became even more irregular with gaps between cycles of up to 75 days! Imagine being in that week before your period, where you are emotional and all you want to do is eat cake – now imagine this going on for several weeks! I didn’t know what was happening and it took me a while to piece together the puzzle.

Who am I?

I sought the advice of the Doctors, who concluded that I was Perimenopausal, but I personally felt I was too young for HRT so embarked upon a mission to find a way to calm the fire naturally!

It was a scary time, and I didn’t really know where to turn for support or what to expect. Some days I had to drag myself out of bed to train (something I previously loved!). I would become overly emotion, couldn’t regulate my temperature and the brain fog at work was a nightmare (if you have ever had baby brain it’s like this – only worse!). I would eat sugary foods to get an energy boost from the Meno – Fatigue, started gaining weight and my head was not in a good place!

Tools for managing Perimenopause

I discovered Cold Water, Meditation and sought the help of an amazing nutritionist to get my energy levels back so I could train. Strength training is one of THE best ways to help that Menopausal body and I knew I had to get back to it!

Raising Awareness

On a mission now!

  • Raising awareness and showing other women there are things you can be doing BEFORE you become Perimenopausal, to make the transition so much easier!
  • Providing both education and coaching for everyone (yes men need this too!) to improve support for those going through the Menopause – at home or in work!
  • Campaigning for improved community services, with better connections to our standard healthcare to manage this life transition!

Knowledge is power and its how we find balance!

How can I help you?

If you need a clearer head, need to get your control back or reconnect with your body then you can either start with our MOT Coaching package or join one of our forthcoming events!

If you would like further information to chat, please message me via the contact form!

Mindset – RPM (

Events Archive – RPM (


Menstrual Symptoms After COVID-19 Vaccine: A Cross-Sectional Investigation in the MENA Region – PMC (

Understanding Menopause Symptoms and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Menopause involves significant hormonal changes that affect our overall health, including heart rate variability (HRV). HRV, which measures the variation in time between heartbeats, is a key indicator of heart health and stress resilience.

Menopause brings a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Hot Flushes
  • Night Sweats
  • Mood Swings
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Weight Gain
  • Memory Changes

Boy we really do get it all as women dont we?!

Understanding Heart Rate Variability (HRV), I believe is key to help track and manage symptoms you may experience.

HRV reflects how adaptable the heart is to stress and relaxation. A high HRV typically indicates good health, while a lower HRV can signify stress and health issues, including heart disease. Menopausal hormonal changes often lead to decreased HRV.

The Connection Between Menopause Symptoms and HRV….

Hormonal shifts during menopause affect the autonomic nervous system and, consequently, HRV:

  • Hot Flushes can temporarily lower HRV due to increased sympathetic activity.
  • Poor sleep keeps the sympathetic nervous system active, reducing HRV.
  • Anxiety and stress can decrease HRV and increase cortisol levels, raising cardiovascular risk.

Tracking HRV can help manage menopause symptoms effectively – my top tips for improving HRV include:

  • Sleep is your best friend! Establish a bedtime routine and avoid stimulants before sleep.
  • Engage in strength based activities and yoga to boost HRV and alleviate symptoms.
  • Use meditation and deep-breathing exercises to promote relaxation.
  • Eat a diet rich in antioxidants, fiber, and phytoestrogens for hormone support – dont forget your protein!
  • Proper hydration can help manage hot flashes and night sweats.

Tools for Tracking HRV

Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, can track HRV and provide insights into cardiovascular health, you can also use Apps like Welltory. By understanding and monitoring HRV, we can take proactive steps to manage their health during menopause effectively.

Embracing Change – The Menopause Athlete Method ™

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life that is marked by significant hormonal changes. Although it can bring various challenges, it does not mean you can’t prioritise your well-being!

When I suddenly found myself in early menopause, I felt like all the training I had done had gone out the window! I was so tired, took so much longer to recover, and ended up eating way too much cake! However, what I learned is that menopause is an opportunity to redefine your approach to training and embrace the strength and resilience methods of an athlete.

As someone who coaches athletes, I was used to giving them all the tools and techniques to reach peak performance. So, why not do that for menopause? That’s why I created The Menopause Athlete Method ™, which uses the same approach I use for athletes to help women throughout the stages of menopause.

Here are my top tips on how to train like an athlete through menopause:

1. Understand the Changes: Before diving into training strategies, it’s crucial to understand the physiological and psychological changes that occur during menopause – for me knowing the science of both mind and body is how I understand! As estrogen levels decline, this leads to changes in body composition, bone density, and metabolism. These changes can affect energy levels, recovery, and overall performance. However, they don’t have to dictate your fitness journey – small adjustments, shorter intensity periods and strength training can still see you making those gains!

2. Prioritise Strength Training: Strength training becomes even more essential during menopause. It helps combat the loss of muscle mass and bone density that often accompanies this phase. By incorporating resistance exercises into your routine, you can maintain and even increase muscle strength and bone health. Focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and rows to target multiple muscle groups efficiently.

3. Focus on Recovery: As estrogen levels decrease, recovery may become more challenging. Adequate rest becomes paramount to prevent overtraining and support hormonal balance. Listen to your body and adjust your training intensity and frequency as needed. Schedule rest days and prioritize quality sleep to facilitate recovery and optimize performance.

4. Balance Cardiovascular Exercise: Cardiovascular exercise remains crucial for heart health and overall well-being during menopause. However, the emphasis may shift from high-impact activities to low-impact options like cold water swimming, cycling, or brisk walking to minimize joint stress. Interval training can also be beneficial, alternating between periods of high intensity and recovery to boost metabolism and improve cardiovascular fitness.

5. Nutrition for Optimal Performance: Nutrition plays a vital role in supporting your training efforts during menopause. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Prioritize lean protein sources to support muscle repair and recovery. Incorporate healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of fruits and vegetables to fuel your workouts and promote hormonal balance.

6. Keep up Water Intake: Hydration is key, especially during menopause when hot flashes and night sweats can lead to increased fluid loss. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before, during, and after exercise.

7. Mind-Body Connection: Menopause is not just a physical transition but also an emotional and mental one. Meditation or deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being.

Training like an athlete through menopause is about embracing change, adapting your approach, and prioritising self-care.

Embrace the opportunity to redefine what it means to be fit and healthy, and let your journey inspire others to do the same – you don’t need to be an athlete to be a champion!

If you would like to find out more about The Menopause Athlete Method ™ message me start your journey to strength and balance today!

Why you should be using HRV (Heart Rate Variability) as a measure of your health!

HRV is THE BEST measure of your overall health and wellbeing!

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the time between each heartbeat and is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. This system regulates functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, etc.

Good sleep, exercise, and stress management help keep the ANS in balance! High HRV can lead to health complications like anxiety, depression, heart disease, and stroke.

In the era of wearable fitness trackers and health monitoring apps, many people are searching for the most accurate and comprehensive health metrics. Among all the data available, one metric stands out as a true gold standard: Heart Rate Variability (HRV). HRV is often overlooked or misunderstood, but it has emerged as a powerful indicator of overall health and well-being. In this blog I will explain why HRV is considered the best measure of your health.

HRV provides insight into Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Balance

HRV measures the variation in time between consecutive heartbeats, providing valuable insights into the balance of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS regulates involuntary bodily functions, with its two branches (sympathetic and parasympathetic) playing a crucial role in maintaining equilibrium. HRV reflects the dynamic interplay between these branches, offering a comprehensive picture of how well your body responds to stress and how efficiently it can relax and recover.

HRV is a Stress and Resilience Indicator

Stress is an inevitable companion in our fast-paced, modern lives. HRV serves as a reliable stress indicator, with lower HRV often associated with heightened stress levels. Monitoring HRV can help individuals identify stress triggers and track their resilience over time. A higher HRV suggests a well-functioning autonomic nervous system, capable of adapting to stressors and bouncing back efficiently.

HRV Optimises Performance

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, optimizing performance is a constant pursuit. HRV provides real-time feedback on the body’s readiness for physical exertion. By understanding their HRV patterns, individuals can tailor their workout intensity and recovery strategies, preventing overtraining and minimizing the risk of injuries. This personalized approach to fitness can lead to more effective and sustainable training regimens.

HRV to Assess Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is foundational to good health, and HRV can serve as a reliable indicator of sleep quality. Monitoring HRV during sleep provides insights into the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. A well-regulated ANS during sleep is associated with better sleep architecture and overall restorative rest. By analyzing HRV patterns over time, individuals can make informed adjustments to their sleep routines and create an environment conducive to optimal recovery.

HRV Detects Health Issues Early

Changes in HRV patterns can serve as an early warning system for various health issues. Research suggests that decreased HRV is associated with conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other chronic health issues. Regular HRV monitoring can provide individuals and healthcare professionals with valuable data for early detection, intervention, and proactive management of potential health risks.


Menopause is associated with hormonal changes that can impact the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS has two branches: the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) systems. HRV reflects the balance between these branches, providing insights into the body’s ability to respond to stress and recover. It’s a good way to know what is going on in your menopausal body!

Why It’s Time to Pay Attention Now!

Heart Rate Variability stands out as a holistic and dynamic metric that goes beyond simple heart rate measurements. It offers a window into the intricate workings of the autonomic nervous system, reflecting the body’s ability to adapt, recover, and thrive. As technology advances, incorporating HRV monitoring into daily health routines becomes increasingly accessible.

Whether you’re an athlete aiming for peak performance, someone seeking stress management tools, menopausal or an individual committed to overall well-being, HRV emerges as the best measure of your health—providing actionable insights for a healthier, more balanced life.

If you own a sports watch, start paying attention to your HRV measurement or message me for a Mini MOT, which includes your personalized well-being assessment – using the latest Heart Rate Technology!

#theresilienceathletemethod #hrv

#wellbeing #performance

Relief from Menopause Symptoms with the Power of Cold Water!

Yes, it does!!!! FINALLY, the research is getting out there –

Cold Water helps #menopause symptoms! It’s time to embrace the chill!❄

According to a recent study, the effects of cold-water swimming were so marked that it may provide an alternative solution for women struggling with menopause and encourage more women to take part in sports.

The benefits of cold-water swimming extend beyond menopause, as it can also be a powerful tool to support #mentalhealth. I have personally seen significant results and improved fitness through cold-water swimming. Cold-water swimming helped me get back to #crossfit at a time when I was struggling!

I encourage not just those who are perimenopausal, but everyone to take the plunge!

Menopause can bring about various challenges for some women, including hot flushes, mood swings, and disrupted sleep. To tackle these symptoms, cold water can be a refreshing and effective solution. Here are some surprising benefits of cold-water therapy for menopause:

Hot Flushes: The sudden and intense feelings of heat known as hot flushes can be alleviated by cold water. Taking a cold shower, bath or swim can help regulate body temperature and reduce the severity and duration of hot flushes.

Sleep Quality: Menopause can affect sleep patterns, causing insomnia and restless nights. Taking a cold shower or bath before bedtime can lower the body’s core temperature, signalling it’s time to rest and potentially improving sleep quality.

Mood: Hormonal changes during menopause can lead to mood swings and increased stress levels with the rise of Cortisol during Menopause. Cold water exposure triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones, improving mood and reducing stress.

Aches and Pains: Menopause can also bring about changes in bone density and joint health. Cold water therapy has anti-inflammatory properties, reducing pain and swelling. Incorporating cold water activities like aquatic exercises or cold compresses can provide relief from joint and muscle discomfort.

Boosting Energy and Clarity: Menopause symptoms can be draining both physically and mentally. Cold water immersion can increase alertness and boost energy levels, acting as a natural stimulant and promoting a more invigorated outlook on the day.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional and customise approaches to individual needs. Cold water therapy can be a refreshing and impactful tool for managing menopausal symptoms, providing a simple yet effective solution for women seeking relief during this transitional phase of practiced safely!

If you want your own back garden plunge head over to Submerge Ice Baths | Affordable and convenient cold water immersion. and use the code RPM15 for 15% discount!

Research References:

How do women feel cold water swimming affects their menstrual and perimenopausal symptoms? – Megan Pound, Heather Massey, Sasha Roseneil, Ruth Williamson, C Mark Harper, Mike Tipton, Jill Shawe, Malika Felton, Joyce C Harper, 2024 (

Why ALL young Athletes need a Well-being Coach!

59% of the young Athletes valued having a wellbeing coach as part of their physical training!

We conducted a case study to introduce a Well-Being Coach for the Squad at Wye Gymnastics and Galaxy Cheerleading, providing education on core areas within mental well-being within a positive environment.

Wye and Galaxy recognise the importance of supporting the mental resilience of young athletes. Connecting the community to cohorts that offer services in a more proactive way, focusing on education within youth well-being. This enables individuals to develop further as an athlete but also into well-rounded individuals building social skills, confidence, self-esteem, teamwork, and leaderships skills.

Wye Gymnastics and Galaxy Cheerleading aim to lead the way with this case study and used a research based Mental Health assessment (Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale) and qualitative data to measure success.

Mental Heath in the spotlight

With the subject of mental health in the high-pressure sport of gymnastics hitting the headlines at the Tokyo Olympics, awareness has never been higher. Couple that with the recent Pandemic and we are starting to see the knock-on effects on our young athlete’s mental health and performance.

While evidence of short/medium term impact of the pandemic has emerged for adults there are very few research studies exist for young people. A recent report in The Journal of Public Health by Chadi et Al (February 2022), states that combining observations from different cohorts could help examine a broad range of mental health indicators in specific age groups and in vulnerable population groups, such as young people, whose well-being may be more severely affected by the event.

The results were analysed in March 2023 to recognise the positive impact, we will deepen this case study by encouraging further clubs to engage in this research and use a Wellbeing coach.

The Journal of Public Health by Chadi et Al (February 2022), COVID-19 and the impacts on youth mental health: emerging evidence from longitudinal studies – PubMed (

Sign up to the Newsletter for the latest Case Studies or your facility to be part of the next group!

How would it feel to increase your Recovery by 35%?

Oxygen Advantage – 1 Minute Recovery Plan Case Study

  • Want to increase your Heart Rate Recovery by 35% in just 4 weeks?
  • How would you like to optimise your Training Programme by simply breathing better?
  • What would it feel like to have a fitter heart by adding simple techniques to your daily life?
  • Hear other Athletes nailing Performance but can’t work out why you are not further along too?
  • Would you like to see fitness improvement with the power of just walking and breathing alone?

I saw phenomenal results in my training…since completing this course I have seen massive changes. I have a new vitality for Training by changing nothing but the way I breathe! Would absolutely recommend working with Louise!           

Michelle Langford – Recreational Fitness

Want all the above?! Read on……..

What is the Oxygen Advantage?

“The Oxygen Advantage® is about breathing to improve oxygen uptake, along with specific breath holding techniques to simulate high altitude training” Patrick McKeown

Functional Breath Training that allows for higher aerobic and anaerobic capacity enables us to do more with less, to exercise faster and further with each breath. Using techniques from OA the 1 Minute Recovery Plan enables you to enhance Performance in Sport, or just Life!

What is the 1 Minute Recovery Plan?

The 1 Minute Recovery Plan focuses on utilising the Oxygen Advantage Breathing Techniques to lower your HR Recovery time and improve BOLT (Body Oxygen Level Test) through either walking or intense exercise. A faster Heart Rate Recovery will improve Performance in a short space of time! Its also one of the easiest ways to tell if the exercise programme is effective – it’s all about optimising your results as part of your daily routine!

What were the Case Study results?

As part of the design of this programme a Case Study was carried out with participants from all walks of life – from amateur runners to competitive CrossFit Athletes – even dog walkers!

The Study participants were taught Oxygen Advantage Techniques including Nasal Breathing, Low, Slow & Deep Breathing after Recovery, with some participants taping their mouths in Sleep and Exercise. During the 4-week plan of specific exercises they were asked to simply incorporate these into their current routine and monitor their Heart Rate Recovery Time and BOLT weekly.

In just 4 weeks participants recorded up to a 35% Faster Heart Rate Recovery, Improved Bolt by 55% and for some a much Lower Resting Heart Rate – whether they were practicing Yoga, Walking, Running or Competitive Athletes!

Biggest change is recovery rate in training – everything is nasal breathing so feeling energised after most workouts & could go again.  HR dropped 60 in 2 mins!

Matt Thomas – CrossFit Athlete, Coach and Box Owner

Even just walking and using the Recovery Plan I have noticed a huge difference in my well-being, I am calmer, less stressed and feel fitter!

Kate Williams – Dog Walker

Heart Health is paramount to strong Body and Mind to carry you late into life, a strong Heart has a massive impact on Performance – the plan is for everyone not just the elite Athletes!

What are the benefits of a faster Heart Rate Recovery?

  • Faster Heat Rate Recovery the fitter and healthier your Heart!
  • A stronger heart muscle allows your heart to increase circulation with every beat
  • Lower heart rate during exercise and its knock-on effect in lowering resting heart rate
  • Improves concentration, Calm and Resilience during movement which transfers to daily life
  • For Athletes – know if your training programme is working and optimise results!!

What are the benefits of an improved BOLT?

  • Improved Sleep, Reduces Fatigue and promotes Recovery
  • Reduce energy expenditure with heavy breathing
  • Reduce onset of breathlessness
  • Posture stabilisation through better breathing
  • Reduce risk of Injury

What does the Plan include?

  • 90 Minute Workshop including the science of The Oxygen Advantage and all The Techniques need for the plan!
  • A 4-week plan for you to follow to improve your Training, Recovery and Sleep
  • Weekly checks ins to tailor plan following results
  • What’s App Access for any questions for the duration of the programme

Bonus Extras!!!

  • Access to the Workshop content and Tracker including Videos and Breathing Audios for Download (Worth £100)
  • 20% Discount on the 121 Plan for all Workshop attendees!
  • Full Presentation of Results for Facilities holding a workshop to use for own content!

How do I get my own 1 Minute Recovery Plan?

Sign up to 121 Coaching, Open Workshop or book a Workshop for your facility – Functional Breath Training with Oxygen Advantage – RPM (

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