Too young for Menopause?

In the United Kingdom, 30,000 reports of menstrual irregularities and postmenopausal bleeding were sent to the Yellow Card adverse events reporting site for the Covid 19 research before September 2021.

Women reported menstrual changes after being vaccinated against COVID-19 returned to their regular cycle within 2 months — though in some cases, reported changes were longer lasting – this was 100% the case for me!

Menopause – we know this stage of life is coming, but with an average age of 51, I was not expecting it to happen to me at 42!

And whether it was a directly impacted by the booster or it was coming anyway, the one thing I knew was I was clueless about what exactly Menopause was!

Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels and it usually affects women between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen earlier. There are reasons such as surgery, cancer treatments and genetic reasons that may trigger early Menopause.

But with recent world events there is now another reason – the Covid Booster!

The Covid Vaccine

People have reported various menstrual irregularities (and postmenopausal changes) after receiving their COVID-19 vaccines. Some of these reports are anecdotal, but others are backed up by research – my own experience tells a very similar story!

After my 3rd booster my periods stopped, but did return a few months later, after my 4th booster my periods became even more irregular with gaps between cycles of up to 75 days! Imagine being in that week before your period, where you are emotional and all you want to do is eat cake – now imagine this going on for several weeks! I didn’t know what was happening and it took me a while to piece together the puzzle.

Who am I?

I sought the advice of the Doctors, who concluded that I was Perimenopausal, but I personally felt I was too young for HRT so embarked upon a mission to find a way to calm the fire naturally!

It was a scary time, and I didn’t really know where to turn for support or what to expect. Some days I had to drag myself out of bed to train (something I previously loved!). I would become overly emotion, couldn’t regulate my temperature and the brain fog at work was a nightmare (if you have ever had baby brain it’s like this – only worse!). I would eat sugary foods to get an energy boost from the Meno – Fatigue, started gaining weight and my head was not in a good place!

Tools for managing Perimenopause

I discovered Cold Water, Meditation and sought the help of an amazing nutritionist to get my energy levels back so I could train. Strength training is one of THE best ways to help that Menopausal body and I knew I had to get back to it!

Raising Awareness

On a mission now!

  • Raising awareness and showing other women there are things you can be doing BEFORE you become Perimenopausal, to make the transition so much easier!
  • Providing both education and coaching for everyone (yes men need this too!) to improve support for those going through the Menopause – at home or in work!
  • Campaigning for improved community services, with better connections to our standard healthcare to manage this life transition!

Knowledge is power and its how we find balance!

How can I help you?

If you need a clearer head, need to get your control back or reconnect with your body then you can either start with our MOT Coaching package or join one of our forthcoming events!

If you would like further information to chat, please message me via the contact form!

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Menstrual Symptoms After COVID-19 Vaccine: A Cross-Sectional Investigation in the MENA Region – PMC (

Embracing Change – The Menopause Athlete Method ™

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life that is marked by significant hormonal changes. Although it can bring various challenges, it does not mean you can’t prioritise your well-being!

When I suddenly found myself in early menopause, I felt like all the training I had done had gone out the window! I was so tired, took so much longer to recover, and ended up eating way too much cake! However, what I learned is that menopause is an opportunity to redefine your approach to training and embrace the strength and resilience methods of an athlete.

As someone who coaches athletes, I was used to giving them all the tools and techniques to reach peak performance. So, why not do that for menopause? That’s why I created The Menopause Athlete Method ™, which uses the same approach I use for athletes to help women throughout the stages of menopause.

Here are my top tips on how to train like an athlete through menopause:

1. Understand the Changes: Before diving into training strategies, it’s crucial to understand the physiological and psychological changes that occur during menopause – for me knowing the science of both mind and body is how I understand! As estrogen levels decline, this leads to changes in body composition, bone density, and metabolism. These changes can affect energy levels, recovery, and overall performance. However, they don’t have to dictate your fitness journey – small adjustments, shorter intensity periods and strength training can still see you making those gains!

2. Prioritise Strength Training: Strength training becomes even more essential during menopause. It helps combat the loss of muscle mass and bone density that often accompanies this phase. By incorporating resistance exercises into your routine, you can maintain and even increase muscle strength and bone health. Focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and rows to target multiple muscle groups efficiently.

3. Focus on Recovery: As estrogen levels decrease, recovery may become more challenging. Adequate rest becomes paramount to prevent overtraining and support hormonal balance. Listen to your body and adjust your training intensity and frequency as needed. Schedule rest days and prioritize quality sleep to facilitate recovery and optimize performance.

4. Balance Cardiovascular Exercise: Cardiovascular exercise remains crucial for heart health and overall well-being during menopause. However, the emphasis may shift from high-impact activities to low-impact options like cold water swimming, cycling, or brisk walking to minimize joint stress. Interval training can also be beneficial, alternating between periods of high intensity and recovery to boost metabolism and improve cardiovascular fitness.

5. Nutrition for Optimal Performance: Nutrition plays a vital role in supporting your training efforts during menopause. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Prioritize lean protein sources to support muscle repair and recovery. Incorporate healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of fruits and vegetables to fuel your workouts and promote hormonal balance.

6. Keep up Water Intake: Hydration is key, especially during menopause when hot flashes and night sweats can lead to increased fluid loss. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before, during, and after exercise.

7. Mind-Body Connection: Menopause is not just a physical transition but also an emotional and mental one. Meditation or deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being.

Training like an athlete through menopause is about embracing change, adapting your approach, and prioritising self-care.

Embrace the opportunity to redefine what it means to be fit and healthy, and let your journey inspire others to do the same – you don’t need to be an athlete to be a champion!

If you would like to find out more about The Menopause Athlete Method ™ message me start your journey to strength and balance today!

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