Men need support during Menopause too!

If I had no clue what was going on how on earth were the men in my life supposed to?

We must provide support to both men and women to foster healthy relationships, promote emotional well-being, and facilitate understanding and empathy.

Educating men about Menopause and raising awareness can result in more informed and supportive allies (and boy do we need them when the s**t is going down!).

Encouraging men to prioritise their well-being, seek support when needed, and engage in self-care activities is essential for their overall health and resilience. By acknowledging and addressing the needs of men who are involved in this transitional phase, we can navigate menopause with greater resilience and mutual support.

Partner Support: Menopause can not only affect the individual experiencing it but also the males around them. Men may find it challenging to understand the physical and emotional changes their partner is going through during menopause – my other half thought I was a crazy lady for a while! Providing support for men can help them navigate these changes and maintain empathy, resulting in a stronger relationship.

Emotional Support: Men may experience their emotional responses to their partner’s menopausal symptoms, such as frustration, confusion, or concern. They may also struggle with feelings of inadequacy or uncertainty about how to provide support. Access to resources and support networks can help men cope with these emotions and develop healthier ways of responding.

Education and Awareness: We believe the children are our future (you know the song!) but what are we teaching in schools?! My boys now know exactly what Menopause is and what happens! I think the lack of Education means both Men and Women don’t fully understand what menopause entails or how it can impact a woman’s physical and emotional well-being. Educating them and raising awareness about menopause can help them become more informed and supportive allies to their partners during this time.

Communication Skills: Menopause can sometimes strain communication within relationships both at work and home, Colleagues, Managers or Partners may struggle to express their needs and concerns effectively (including understanding what the hell you mean when the brain fog has kicked in!). Support for men can include guidance on improving communication skills, fostering empathy, and maintaining open and honest dialogue with their partners.

Self-Care: Men need downtime too! Supporting a partner through menopause can be emotionally taxing, and men may neglect their own self-care needs in the process. Encouraging men to prioritise their well-being, seek support when needed, and engage in self-care activities is essential for their overall health and resilience.

Navigating Relationship Changes: I read a shocking figure about the number of breakups that happen during Menopause and now I know more I can see why! Menopause can bring about changes in intimacy, sex drive, and relationship dynamics. Men may benefit from support in navigating these changes, understanding that they are natural aspects of the menopausal transition, and finding ways to reignite connection with their partner.

Providing support for men during menopause is crucial for fostering healthy relationships, promoting emotional well-being, and facilitating understanding and empathy. Through Education and Training, it is time to acknowledge the needs of both Men and Women to support both in navigating menopause with greater resilience and mutual support!

Menopause Education and Training Available for Businesses keen to reset the balance!

Please contact me for further details!

Relief from Menopause Symptoms with the Power of Cold Water!

Yes, it does!!!! FINALLY, the research is getting out there –

Cold Water helps #menopause symptoms! It’s time to embrace the chill!❄

According to a recent study, the effects of cold-water swimming were so marked that it may provide an alternative solution for women struggling with menopause and encourage more women to take part in sports.

The benefits of cold-water swimming extend beyond menopause, as it can also be a powerful tool to support #mentalhealth. I have personally seen significant results and improved fitness through cold-water swimming. Cold-water swimming helped me get back to #crossfit at a time when I was struggling!

I encourage not just those who are perimenopausal, but everyone to take the plunge!

Menopause can bring about various challenges for some women, including hot flushes, mood swings, and disrupted sleep. To tackle these symptoms, cold water can be a refreshing and effective solution. Here are some surprising benefits of cold-water therapy for menopause:

Hot Flushes: The sudden and intense feelings of heat known as hot flushes can be alleviated by cold water. Taking a cold shower, bath or swim can help regulate body temperature and reduce the severity and duration of hot flushes.

Sleep Quality: Menopause can affect sleep patterns, causing insomnia and restless nights. Taking a cold shower or bath before bedtime can lower the body’s core temperature, signalling it’s time to rest and potentially improving sleep quality.

Mood: Hormonal changes during menopause can lead to mood swings and increased stress levels with the rise of Cortisol during Menopause. Cold water exposure triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones, improving mood and reducing stress.

Aches and Pains: Menopause can also bring about changes in bone density and joint health. Cold water therapy has anti-inflammatory properties, reducing pain and swelling. Incorporating cold water activities like aquatic exercises or cold compresses can provide relief from joint and muscle discomfort.

Boosting Energy and Clarity: Menopause symptoms can be draining both physically and mentally. Cold water immersion can increase alertness and boost energy levels, acting as a natural stimulant and promoting a more invigorated outlook on the day.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional and customise approaches to individual needs. Cold water therapy can be a refreshing and impactful tool for managing menopausal symptoms, providing a simple yet effective solution for women seeking relief during this transitional phase of practiced safely!

If you want your own back garden plunge head over to Submerge Ice Baths | Affordable and convenient cold water immersion. and use the code RPM15 for 15% discount!

Research References:

How do women feel cold water swimming affects their menstrual and perimenopausal symptoms? – Megan Pound, Heather Massey, Sasha Roseneil, Ruth Williamson, C Mark Harper, Mike Tipton, Jill Shawe, Malika Felton, Joyce C Harper, 2024 (

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